Πέμπτη 12 Οκτωβρίου 2017

GREEK POETRY -Synthesis 1- POETRY-c.n.couvelis-ΠΟΙΗΜΑΤΑ-χ.ν.κουβελης

-Synthesis 1-

Synthesis XI-XIX-XXIII-c.n.couvelis χ.ν.κουβελης

Synthesis 1-c.n.couvelis χ.ν.κουβελης

He walked on. Where is my voice?
He felt the flowing calm of air.No, nothing has happened.
I hear them at the
So we went around talking of one thing or another
Look at ! a corporal landscape.Lilies and Roses
it is really:a mirror
the fingertips of sea-dolphins:in a waves' breath
What is your language?in my own language.I hear.

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