Τετάρτη 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010



[ A B C ]

[ A ]
i am a man from blue gardens... a full moon is rising from yellow- green hill
a hand writes circles , ...an apple is no- sphere , an open window is not a picture
- like landscape ,................................................................... give a truth like a
theorem .................................like a fish , like a person in capitalistic working ,
like a child out home ,...................... don ' t block yours words into ανοησιες
- let 's stert numbering [… minus one , zero . Plus one , … ] and find in the end
of proccessing work yours political rights... and the metaphysical ideas [ about me you
ours ] don ' t follow fake situations... στην ακρη της θαλασσας το φως εριχνε τα
ψαρια στα διχτυα του then Ullysses neared και μιλησε στους ανιδεους ψαραδες [ everything is you]
και μαθε πως η θαλασσα ειναι οι γαλαζιοι κηποι
[ B ]
a tree of thoughts is your senses
..a screen full same persons
whithout an word about the silence...................... straight lines
of the labyrinth
..........................................................................what version are you
..................................want to create
it sems to be
clear water ...............................................a look to transform
............................it is not
..obvious what motivates routine
...................a politic needs to fit
a visible real thing
.....................a machine reflects machine
.....................size of art is size of man
.....................to test if one equals zero
....................this action is praxis
.....................equivalent of some
and construct a corresponding society
where the truth is real
.....................................function '' person
there are sequences converging nowhere.... then.... we are
discussion ' s persons
[ C ]
a bird into words flights... and the moon is climbing on the motor of
the kid................... in blue
shirts.................................. the sea is a minimalist icon from a fish
......................language is rhetoric
about many logos......................................... among answers
......................................is fake
................................................to transform an ideologie
................................................into massive uncorrect proofs
........near the nothing is everything
..............................a language is a house of ideas
.......for men
.....................and for various systems towards you
angaint............................................ learn and speak outward
noone voice off
................................nowhere silence
..................................nobody noone
look into your words
..................................................................near the syllabes
..................................................................there is
.............................searching ......find a
person whithout falsh responses
............................................................between actions
.........................................................................................into truth
blue color.............. says

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